The MORON zone



If you don't get this, then you are probably smart. Or not me or The Maneuver, at least. But seriously, ANY serious band who puts out a 35 minute album deserves all the Linkin Park comparisons they get! This is the first strip where I had a good idea of what was going to happen in it before I started. Yes the spelling error in 24-pt font was unintentional. Note to self: PROOFREAD!



Around here I realised I was just putting the title in the bottom right all the time. It's supposed to be random! RANDOM! It'll be different next time, I promise. Now, this is my most abstract strip yet. The 'Restrictions' error is encountered all-too-frequently on the Uni computers, but what it has to do with a boned wing-a-ling maybe just a man is anyone's guess. It's up to you what it means, I suppose. I like to call it art. Interpol rock.


The first line is blatantly copied from Crap Comics, and I don't know WHAT the hell I was thinking when I decided to go for the Hey Arnold! style of head. And that punchline? No freakin' clue where that came form. Seriously, who would eat their own HEAD?!!



Strip number two, and the beginning of using the last line of the strip as the title. OK so the previous strip did it too, but this is where I decided to do it for all strips. The idea for this one came as I changed the first strip to monochrome, and Paint came up with a little box saying that reducing the number of colours may reduce the amount of colour infornation, or words to that effect. I had nothing but the text in the first panel even thought of when I dived in to write/draw this one, it all came to me as I went along. Dear God I wish it hadn't. Also note that I forgot to add hair to the last panel.



Well, this is the first strip I did. Truth be told, the comic didn't even have a name until I did the last panel of this strip. The line "you're an idiot" reminded me of the line "Nibblonian fleet holding at perimeter of moron zone, formerly known as 'Earth'" from Futurama, and so that's what the title became. The charaqcter design was done on the fly as well. The reason I did the comic in black and white is to try and hide my lack of skills of an artist. This strip came about when I was sitting at a computer at Uni with nothing to do. Except homework. Ooh yeah. Anyway, I've been trying to do a really good strip for ages, but got stuck at panel two of strip one. I tried doing a really crap one, but that didn't work either. This is the compromise.

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